Hello my lovelies. I hope you’ve all had an enjoyable day. Although I have pulled into the slow lane to enjoy the scenery my day was a little frantic. I over estimated how long it would take me to finish one of my group UFOs. It’s a project we started last year. We’re trying to do a few group projects every year. Each one of our ladies quilted at least one nine patch block during one session and in a later session learned how to join the blocks using the quilt as you go method.


We managed to join the rows and ended up with one quilt top in two sections. So, I set off this morning and joined the two sections. That went well. I pieced the outer border sections and started attaching them to the sides of the quilt. I did a really good job on one side and got complacent on the second side. So that second side has to be ripped out so I can put it right.


The reason I’m telling you this is not because I’m moaning about it. No, I’m telling you this because we all make mistakes. I couldn’t possibly leave the mistake and pretend that it didn’t exist. Everyone has bad days. Why should I be any different. So, I will spend some time stitch ripping tomorrow during our group meeting.

I’ve learned a lesson ….. check your work at every stage just to be sure it’s as good on the back as it is on the front. I was confident that everything was OK on both sides. Well it wasn’t. So there.

It’s been a busy day in my little world. I answered several emails and phone calls. I took Maisie for a hair cut and went for groceries. By the time lunchtime rolled around I didn’t have much energy left. That’s when things started going wrong in my sewing room.

As I sit here typing this post the sun decided to show itself. We enjoyed dark skies and rain most of the day but now that the sun is shining I feel less discouraged about todays mistake. In my quest to make forward movement I kind of made more work for myself. However, I’m not giving up. I’m determined to finish the quilt for next month’s meeting of the Burnopfield Belles. This will clear a little corner of my sewing room and a little corner in my mind. I’m just realising that life is not a race. And when the going gets tough we should tell the tough to clear out.

So, I guess that’s my report for today. It may be a little meagre but it is what’s been happening in happy stitching manor today. I will be attending my monthly volunteer group meeting tomorrow. The Burnopfield Belles will welcome me with open arms. We’ll work out a plan of action for our upcoming group projects and no doubt we will talk about all the irritating current events. I hope you have a super cosy evening doing something that makes you happy. Until next time,

Let’s all keep on stitching.

Lucie x

9 thoughts on “LIFE IS NOT A RACE

  1. Hi Lucie,
    The way I see it is, if this is the worst thing that happens to you today or this week….then wow, you are lucky! That is what I say when or if something happens to me, if this is the worst thing that happens to me today, I am really lucky. Easier to face stuff, put a smile on your face, and things are just not that important anymore. So, Maisie is ready for Easter, you and Sarah have your talking eggs, LOL and all’s right with the world! Tomorrow is another day. No big deal, just some thread, threads are like that Lucie, they change course, they break, they make things and voila…a beautiful thing, just by the change of the thread. Be happy, you are loved and love yourself. You are as wonderful as your beautiful quilts.


    1. Hi Joanna, my friend says “nobody died” whenever something happens that’s not so unpleasant. You’re right, I am lucky if that’s all that happens to me today or this week. I have already started stitch ripping out the seams I sewed that weren’t quite right. I’m actually looking forward to finishing the group quilt now. It will be a labour of love. Thanks for popping in and have a fab evening x


  2. I need to listen to my own words right now, went for my crochet class, my landlord drove me there and he left, go in and it is cancelled, guess who was not told? Had to wait for him to get all the way home, wasted his day and mine. Cannot work on the stupid project as it is all in French. Quebec. AAARRRRGGGHHHH is certainly appropriate right now. So would be a good G&T!!!!! Keep stitching and unsttiching. God bless us, everyone.
    Joanna. xx


    1. Hi Joanna, what a waste if a day. Very frustrating that you were not notified that the class was cancelled. Keep breathing and march forward on your happy path. Choose another project to work on this evening and have a G&T x


  3. Well Lucie, I think it is the mistakes we make, the way we go about fixing them & moving on, makes us the person we are, whether on our quilting or our journey through life. After 40+ years of patchwork, I still make some real bad blunders, but I keep going, the same as I would with anything else I do (like getting old – hee, hee, back pain this morning), but have just found out my lovely doctor is having a baby, so looks like another baby quilt on the way. Enjoy your meeting of the Belles and take care.


    1. Hi Susan, I agree. The way we sort our problems definitely makes us the people we are. I think the best way is to face everything head on. I must admit there have been times when I wanted to hide in the cupboard under the stairs in the last couple of years but nowadays I just hold my head high and act according to the severity of the problem. I hope your back heals soon. Thanks for popping in today x


  4. Thanks Lucie, nice to hear something from someone friendly. As for hiding under the stairs, Harry Potter lived there, and look at him, Wizard and a wand. So, wave yours and I’ll wave mine and Susan will waive hers and make the probs. of the little part of our world disappear.
    (along with some g&t’s , ha ha).

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